brics bailing out europe piece Courtesy:
23 September 2011

BRICS bail-out of Europe: A far cry

In a reversal of historical roles, the BRICS nations may be coming to Europe’s rescue. During the Asian Financial Crisis, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) introduced structural adjustments in return for IMF loans, and many institutions and individuals went bankrupt. Will it be any different now?

christine lag bob Courtesy: WorldEconomicForum/Flickr
13 July 2011

Christine Lagarde: In the hot seat

As the new head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde’s experience in cajoling world leaders will go some way in negotiating the European bailouts. The real challenge, however, will be trying to raise funds for anything as large as Italy.

schengen spirit of openness Courtesy: FourthFloor/Flickr
23 June 2011

The Schengen spirit of openness

Despite their economic downturns, domestic tensions keep developed countries from embracing the revitalizing potential of foreign workers. Ambassador Neelam Deo argues that India should continue to leverage its history of diversity and capitalize on a world more open to the free flow of goods and services.

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6 June 2011

BRICS: Convergence or dissonance?

As Europe stands united in its support for France's Finance Minister Christine Lagarde as a candidate to head the International Monetary Fund, many have begun to question if BRICS is truly an effective and united bloc. Will they be able to put forth a candidate all emerging countries can support?

christine lagarde_380x270 Courtesy: WorldEconomicForum/Flickr
31 May 2011

The IMF: Emerging economies aren’t ready for prime time

With the post for the head of the International Monetary Fund up for grabs, the emerging market countries are yet to unite and provide a suitable candidate who receives formidable support for his or her candidature. China, however, may boldly question the status quo and step ahead.

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6 January 2011

“There’s an incredible excitement about Mumbai”

As London gears up to host the 2012 Summer Olympics, Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, tells Gateway House's Shloka Nath what Mumbai can take away from London’s plans for renewal and expansion. Johnson likens Mumbai’s vibrancy and potential to London’s appeal.