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9 December 2020

India and Canada: A third pole

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's controversial wading into the Punjab farmers' protests has obfuscated the hard work done by diplomats and think tanks on both sides over the past three years, to boost the bilateral. India and Canada have much to gain from each other's strengths in technology, natural resources and investment, and even more if they collaborate internationally to develop an alternative to the current bipolar world order

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8 October 2020

A compelling case for Digital Service Tax

The current notions of physical ‘permanent establishment’ or tangible locational nexus are not well-suited for the taxation of modern digital economy, especially for taxation of business income, rents or revenue creating activities. In a Covid-19 wrecked global economy, where government revenues are under severe stress, there is a compelling case for a market country or the value-creating jurisdiction to tax the income or rents attributable to the concerned market or location.

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21 September 2020

China wins this TikTok round

With Oracle, Walmart and U.S. venture capitalists now holding the majority of TikTok Global’s shareholding, China’s closed digital world gets a breather, and the possibility of a truly open global Internet, gets a blow. China has won this round.

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30 July 2020

A New World for India and the United States

The recent rush of U.S. capital into India’s digital future, and India’s recent structural reforms, is the impetus for an attractive collaboration between the U.S. and India. To really succeed, the U.S. will have to support India with the same kind of technical assistance and best practices in areas like regulation, distribution, and innovation, that it gave China. The alternative is for India to follow Europe’s regulatory model, which places less of an emphasis on job growth and innovation.

India-Canada Track 1.5_Fostering Growth in Digital Trade Courtesy: Gateway House & CIGI
30 June 2020

Fostering Growth in Digital Trade

The shifting trends in trade, especially given the growth in communications capacity and reduced cost of computing have altered traditional economic development. India and Canada have a shared commercial interest in E-trade. Both countries need to align their resources to frame trade rules of the new digital economy, to mutual benefit.

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23 June 2020

Cooperation in Trade in Services

The shift in the global trend from trade in goods to trade in services, especially digital services has focused attention on the necessity of a modern and robust regulatory framework for it. The bilateral steps by India and Canada outlined in this paper can feed into current efforts by multilateral institutions to develop a universal framework for capturing services trade data.

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25 May 2020

Globalisation: good-bye to the hype

Globalisation has resulted in the interdependence of nations through the largely unimpeded transmission of investment capital and information, and integrated business operations. The leading beneficiaries have been the global 1%, and China. While it is too late and not possible to roll back an interconnected world order, globalization as we know it will recede, as will China’s standing in the world.

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20 May 2020

Gateway House Webcast: Alibaba, Amazon…… Jio?

Blaise Fernandes, Director, Gateway House was in discussion with Dexter Roberts, Non resident Senior Fellow, Asia Security Initiative, Atlantic Council and author of ‘The Myth of Chinese Capitalism,’ Lauri Rechardt, Chief Legal Officer, IFPI and B.K. Syngal, Sr Principal, Dua Consulting and Former Chairman and Managing Director, VSNL.

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30 April 2020

Gateway House Webcast: Scrutinising Chinese FDI in India

Amit Bhandari, Energy & Environment Fellow, Gateway House; Blaise Fernandes, President, Indian Music Industry Association; Ambika Khanna, Senior Researcher, International Law Programme, Gateway House discuss the reaction to China’s increased investment in HDFC, the depth and motive for China's investments in India, and the new FDI rules put in place by the government to protect strategic investments in the country.