energy-intelligence_t Courtesy:
20 July 2018

India: Walking a U.S.-Iran tightrope

Our Director, Amb. Neelam Deo, was interviewed by Energy Intelligence for an article “India: Walking a U.S.-Iran tightrope”.  “By cutting imports, India has demonstrated that it is willing to work with the US, but it can’t completely stop buying from Iran,” Neelam Deo, director Read more

asian age Courtesy:
13 May 2018

Trump hits Iran and India reels

Amit Bhandari, Fellow, Energy and Environment Studies, Gateway House, and Kunal Kulkarni, Senior Researcher, Gateway House, write an op-ed for The Asian Age on the possible implications of U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent announcement to withdraw from the JCPOA, more colloquially Read more

haaretz Courtesy: Haaretz
5 May 2017

Family power politics in Riyadh

Dynasty has its own reasons and the 40 decrees that King Salman issued last month were designed to hand more power to the Salman branch of the House of Saud. Is a promotion in the offing for his son, the deputy crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman? What does this bode for the country’s foreign policy? President Trump’s first foreign visit will be to Saudi Arabia later this month

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18 August 2016

Turkey post-coup: stronger than ever

It was the iron will of the citizens of Turkey and their uncompromising belief in the deeply rooted democratic traditions and institutions of the country which proved to be critical in defeating the July coup attempt. Turkey will continue the reforms which have made it a shining light in the region

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18 August 2016

Turkey’s fight for democracy

The July coup in Turkey did not achieve its objective of eliminating President Erdogan, who has, ironically, emerged a ‘national hero.’ Does this signal a new beginning? An analysis of the factors impending upon the colossal repair-and-rebuild task before the country.

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2 June 2016

The sanctioned, sleeping beauties awake

The crippling effect of American sanctions are thorough; designed to strangle economies and bring entire nations to a halt. However, they unknowingly pull people together, imparting a deep sense of patriotism and often sparking innovation which can quickly surpass any other world power. With sanctions being lifted on nations like Myanmar, Iran and, hopefully, Cuba, the question remains whether they will retain their uniqueness or fall into line with the rest?