Israel-Saudi Courtesy: Wikipedia
13 July 2015

Reassessing our Israel, Arab engagement

The announcement in June of a Saudi-Israeli alliance against Iran has to be seen in the context of the strategic dimensions of India’s relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, and the U.S. And it has far-reaching implications for India’s policy towards West Asia

anti-US-protests-in-Tehran-1 (Marzieh Soleimani) Courtesy: Marzieh Soleimani, Islamic Republic News Agency
17 June 2015

Iran deal: hardliners in Tehran

Iran's nuclear deal deadline is looming large, and sparks are already flying. While there is opposition to the deal from Israel, within Iran there are powerful interest groups driven by ideology and business interests, who are doing as much as possible to prevent a deal from being reached

Tehran nuclear deal Courtesy: Zuma Press
6 April 2015

The rebirth of Iran through diplomacy

The JCPA between Iran and the P5+1 countries is being welcomed positively in Iran. President Rouhani was elected in 2013 on a platform to to improve Iran's relations with the world and majority of Iranians wait anxiously for the improved socio-economic benefits that will follow

Arab Republics Courtesy:
14 August 2014

Federalism for the Arab Republics?

Many Arab Republics are mired in political discord after the departure of the old tyrannical regimes opened up spaces for new struggles. In Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan, attempts to address the turmoil through constitutional reform are facing challenges. Will a democratic federalism be attained when the battles are done?

west asia Courtesy:
27 June 2014

Will ISIS redraw the West Asia map?

The rise of the militant ISIS will alter the stability and future of all West Asian countries, and can impact India in multiple ways. India must re-evaluate its West Asia policy, and address the safety of its nationals in Iraq, the security of its oil supplies, and the fallout on South Asia of this resurgence of strife

assadobama Courtesy: Freedom House/Flickr
6 September 2013

Syria: An unwarranted intervention

Despite rising international opposition, U.S. President Barack Obama is ready to penalise the Syrian regime for an alleged chemical attack in Ghouta, Syria, last month. The justifications given by the U.S. for an armed attack are questionable, and such retaliatory action will destabilise the entire region

Hassan_Rouhani2 Courtesy: Ansarymehr/Wikimedia Commons
17 June 2013

Will Rouhani plough a reformist furrow in Iran?

Hassan Rohani’s victory in the June 14 presidential election in Iran might allow more moderate voices in the political dialogue. But Iran's establishment decides positions on all major issues, including the nuclear programme, Syria, and dealings with the West. To what extent can Rohani change course?

Furmeyer/WikimediaCommons Courtesy: Furmeyer/WikimediaCommons
13 March 2013

Historical Perspectives on Piracy: The British Empire in the Persian Gulf

Maritime piracy is one of the several grave security issues faced by today’s world. This problem, however, isn’t a new phenomenon, and nations have long-battled this issue. How did piracy manifest itself in the Indian Ocean in the 19th century, and what was the nature of counter-piracy efforts during that period?

obama Courtesy: Pete Souza/The White House
22 February 2013

The pacific pivot: A decade late and five years too soon

The announcement of the Pacific pivot by the U.S. in 2001 has led to several nations making bold political moves. However, the U.S. isn’t yet ready to be a regional protector against China. What does Washington have to do to prepare itself for the Pivot?