Reversal of Globalisation2 Courtesy: Systemic Alternatives
8 February 2017

Is globalisation in reverse?

The contours of globalisation are being reshaped. The Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump mark a strong anti-globalisation sentiment even as leaders in China, India and Russia successfully marry nationalist rhetoric with a cleverly crafted overseas strategy, premised on the very tenets of globalisation. There seems to be a ‘pause’ in the unbalanced progress of globalisation of the last three decades—and this could have many positive outcomes

ukip-eu-protest-5 Courtesy: Business Insider
24 June 2016

Brexit: a wake-up call for global elites

The message from Brexit is simple: the post-second world war financial, trade and industrial order and security arrangements that developed around Bretton Woods, have passed their expiry date. This is the time for countries, regional unions and global institutions to reform themselves – putting people instead of regulations and strategic objectives at the centre of their decision-making.

Merkel Modi Courtesy: MEA / Flickr
15 October 2015

Moving ahead after Merkel’s visit

German Chancellor Merkel’s recent visit to India with a high-powered entourage showed the weight attached to this bilateral relationship. German companies want to gain more access to the Indian market and be part of Prime Minister Modi’s high-tech initiatives—and it is up to India to surmount political hurdles and tap into this potential.

U.S. Mission / Eric Bridiers Courtesy: Wikipedia
8 October 2015

UNSC and sanctions: a balanced role

The sanctions against Iran impacted the country’s oil, banking, aviation, and other sectors, and had a major humanitarian impact. But neither is armed attack a more suitable method in most instances to address allegedly recalcitrant states. What then is the middle ground? And can the UNSC assume a more proactive role in this context?

Modi and Merkel WIkipediaEdit Courtesy: Wikipedia
5 October 2015

Modi-Merkel: Smart City diplomacy

It has been ten months since India and Germany signed an agreement to partner in developing three smart cities. The government now seriously needs to move beyond slogans and aspirations and start addressing the more pressing issues specific to smart city development. Then only will the Modi-Merkel diplomacy be viewed as a success at home.

Alternative_Energies Courtesy: Jürgen / Flickr
3 September 2015

Germany’s energy model for India?

In Germany in June 2015, G7 countries made major commitments towards decarbonisation and reduction in greenhouse gases, which will lead to binding decisions at the COP-21 conference in Paris in December. Germany pushed for these outcomes, and as one of the most energy efficient countries in the world its technology and expertise can help India’s targets of alternative energy and sustainable industry.

Middle Powers Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
2 July 2015

Why middle powers matter to India

Narendra Modi, who spent nearly two months abroad in his first year as prime minister, helped India cultivate a wide range of bilateral and multilateral relationships. But of these, it will be the middle powers that hold the key, economically and geopolitically to India’s growth and security, and Modi must continue to widen his middle powers arc

Modi in Hannover Courtesy: MEA/Flickr
13 April 2015

Modi in Hannover: Industry 4.0

Germany is a crucial partner for India, especially for the Make in India programme. The needs and strengths of both countries are complementary: in India, German companies are among the largest employers, and Germany is the second largest destination for Indian investment in Europe. India needs to develop and enhance the skill of its population, and develop an advanced manufacturing base. For this, a new level of collaboration is required.