southblock Courtesy: rajkumari1220/Flickr
18 April 2014

Circles & Corridors of Economic Diplomacy

India’s political and economic future will be determined over the next few weeks. Gateway House recommends a priority diplomacy agenda for the next government – one which puts economics at the heart of our foreign policy

rajapaksa Courtesy: Alexander Nikiforov/Wikimedia Commons
9 April 2014

Sri Lanka’s UNHRC challenge

India abstained from voting on the recent UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka calling for an international probe into the alleged war crimes committed by the Sri Lankan government. Sri Lanka has the option of rejecting the resolution, but it will have to evolve a strategy keeping in mind India’s concerns

Operation Mountain Fire Courtesy: Staff Sgt. Christopher Allison/Wikimedia Commons
30 March 2014

Afghanistan: At a turning point

The presidential election is vital not only for Afghanistan’s future but also for the stability of the region. The ensuing race has thrown up candidates from various ethnicities and they face an uphill task with a resurgent Taliban and a former President who still hopes to be a force in the political arena

southasiafinal Courtesy: User:Deepak/Wikimedia Commons
27 March 2014

‘Ties with neighbours is priority’

Historically, foreign policy has rarely played a decisive role in the Indian elections although issues like the nuclear deal with the U.S. have led to domestic storms. In this interview Neelam Deo, Director, Gateway House, explains why foreign policy has only occasionally been a key factor in the elections

food sedurity Courtesy: Rigues/Flickr
8 November 2013

Food security and WTO

A recent UN report praises governments for promoting the right to food. At the same time, India’s Food Security Act will encounter resistance at the WTO meeting in Bali in December. Can India play an exemplary role in the global power struggle over food security?

Indira Lyndon Jerchel wikimediacommons Courtesy: Jerchel/WikimediaCommons
24 September 2013

The case for India-Alignment

India often finds itself in the right place at the wrong time or vice versa, as our dogma of non-alignment trumps honest calculations of self-interest in policy-making – rendering it unfavourable. The national interest, hence, calls for selective alignment on some issues with Washington and on others with Beijing

corridorsmap2 Courtesy: Gateway House
11 July 2013

Asia’s Strategic Corridors to India

The map – Asia’s Strategic Corridors to India – has emerged from Gateway House’s study of India’s strategic links with other parts of Asia. It highlights the progress India has made in forging multiple links with six strategic regions – Central Asia, West Asia, East Africa, South-East Asia, East Asia, and our immediate neighbourhood

Gateway House Courtesy: Gateway House
22 March 2013

“UNHRC resolution is uncalled for”

With India backing the United Nations resolution against Sri Lanka, New Delhi-Colombo relations appear to be in a tense phase. Gateway House interviews Prasad Kariyawasam, the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to India, to discuss the implications of the UNHRC vote and the future of India-Sri Lanka relations.

WikimediaCommons Courtesy: WikimediaCommons
20 March 2013

Vote on Sri Lanka: Vote on UPA

New Delhi has taken some opportunistic actions, such as its vote against Sri Lanka in the UN Human Rights Council, to pacify internal political demands. But these extract a price in the international arena. Should we anticipate a further decline in India’s regional and international credibility?

afghan soldier 1_0 Courtesy: Matanya/WikimediaCommons
31 January 2013

Afghanistan’s military-industrial complex

Since 2002, a large amount of U.S. funds flowing into Afghanistan has been diverted to the Taliban by local strongmen, resulting in a continued presence of the militia. The challenge post-2014 will be to reverse the West’s top-down strategy, creating a grassroots-driven incentive for peace and development.