BRICS_leaders_meet_on_the_sidelines_of_2016_G20_Summit_in_China (1) Courtesy: Narendra Modi/ Flickr
12 August 2017

BRICS Summit under Doklam shadow

BRICS, which has always been committed to enhancing solidarity, is now entering its second decade – even as tensions between its two most consequential members remain unresolved and member states and other emerging markets are set to serve as “the main engine” of global growth

GH_GeoeconomicPushback Courtesy: Gateway House
10 August 2017

Geoeconomic pushback to China

The Indian government may block the acquisition of Gland Pharma by Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceuticals, a move that offers further confirmation of how China’s opaque business model is causing concern worldwide. This infographic shows some high-profile cases of acquisitions by Chinese companies that ran into local opposition

34784282675_bc82e8c9d3_b Courtesy: The White House/Flickr
31 May 2017

Trump: blunt to NATO, cosy with Saudis

Trump’s first foreign visit to West Asia and Europe brought home what the president means by “America First” even as he stands accused of committing two major foreign policy transgressions

29562902274_daf9fb5c4d_k Courtesy: IMF/ Flickr
18 April 2017

IMF spring meetings: projecting a pickup

The IMF spring meetings on April 21-23 will take place amidst good news of the global economy moving into a better position. But the underlying fundamentals are still weak both in advanced countries and emerging markets, with the risks considerable. Economic policy makers must recognise and address the challenges with global consensus and multilateral actions

g20 baden baden Courtesy: The Telegraph
4 April 2017

Dark clouds over free trade in G20

President Trump’s “America First” rhetoric has eroded support for the commitments that leaders made at previous G20 summits regarding trade: rejecting protectionism and strengthening the multilateral trading system. What implications does this have for global trade? Will the more moderate voices in the administration get heard?

1200px-Malabar_07-2_exercise Courtesy: Wikipedia
14 February 2017

A democratic quadrilateral in Asia?

A strategic coming together of the U.S., Japan, Australia, and India was close to fruition some years ago, impelled initially by the tsunami of 2004. The spirit of the enterprise remains alive even now, and there are many merits in India joining the quad, but such an arrangement can skew existing Asian equations, jeopardising the Act East policy