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18 July 2024

Ladakh’s Iran connection

Thousands of Ladakhi Shia men and women in Kargil mourned the death of Iranian President Ebrahimi Raisi on May 21, 2024. Iran’s influence in the region goes back to the 15th century with the arrival of Shia missionaries. Their identity was reinforced by the Iranian Revolution in 1979. The cultural and religious practices of the Iranian-influenced community underscore the local politics in the sensitive border region.

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18 July 2024

India-Russia relations march ahead

The 22nd India-Russia summit, held in Moscow on July 9 during Prime Minister Modi’s official visit, focused on expanding bilateral economic, energy, cultural and defense cooperation. It indicates the two nations’ commitment to adding substance and new momentum to their relationship. The long-delayed summit, which coincided with the NATO summit in Washington, should be viewed through the wider lens of a multipolar world.

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18 July 2024

Narrowing the military gap

Comparing India and China’s defence forces reveals that it is more than just a numbers game. Increased defence spending and modernization with AI and quantum computing has given China a substantial edge over India’s military capability. India is working to close the gap with an energetic focus on indigenous procurement and expanding international exercises.

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6 June 2024

The global Indian diamantaire network

Recent changes in Belgian and EU tax law and regulation have resulted in some Antwerp-based Palanpuri Jain diamond traders shifting base to the newly booming Dubai diamond market. But Antwerp dominates the diamond business for this enterprising community, where 400 families continue to stay and use it as a gateway to the European market for diamonds cut and polished in Surat and Mumbai in India.

Tourists visit Gangaramaya Buddhist temple in Colombo, Sri Lanka April 25,2024. REUTERS/Dinuka Liyanawatte Courtesy:
6 June 2024

Sri Lanka confronts illegal tourist ventures

Asian nations like Sri Lanka have seen a rush of Russian and Ukrainian tourists over the last two years. They discover salubrious climes and overstay their visas to start small businesses. It has helped Sri Lanka boost tourism after its 2022 debt default but also created economic problems for locals. It is necessary to identify trade-offs between economic benefits and security threats associated with extended-stay tourism.

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30 May 2024

Trouble in Pakistan’s periphery

Pakistan’s peripheral regions have long been treated as colonies to benefit the Punjabi core. This neglect is facing a vigorous pushback, in the form of peaceful protests and violent resistance. The economic crisis has exacerbated tensions in Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan, which remain poor despite abundant natural resources.

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16 May 2024

Setback for international students in Australia

The burgeoning of international students in Australian private and state universities are a source of consternation and contention for Canberra. Though student visas are misused, specific skilled migrants are still needed, and the fees paid by these students fund essential university research. Regulators are clamping down hard, but once again, students will bear the brunt.

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16 May 2024

Iran-Pakistan pipeline to nowhere

The long-delayed Iran-Pakistan pipeline has put Pakistan in yet another bind of its own making. Abandoning the project will expose it to Iranian penalties, while completing it will violate the sanctions imposed by the U.S., its financial benefactor, and its other patron Saudi Arabia which competes with Iran for West Asian leadership.