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20 June 2024

BRICS and G7: India’s trapeze act

Prime Minister Modi’s third term began with India’s participation at the BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting in Russia and the Outreach Session of G7 in Italy. India’s participation at both conferences highlighted New Delhi’s continuing preoccupation with great powers. How Indian diplomacy navigates ties between the West and BRICS will shape and decide its strategic autonomy in a multipolar world.

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23 May 2024

Xi’s diplomatic push in Europe

Chinese President Xi Jinping's three-nation tour to France, Serbia and Hungary in early May highlighted China's aim to bolster ties and navigate shifting global power dynamics. The trip's implications are significant for all major powers, including India, which must inject more creativity and energy in building up its strategic partnerships with G7 nations after the elections.

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16 May 2024


The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation turns 75 this year. It has exceeded its original mandate of a collective defence for Europe and is expanding rapidly. From restraining the rise of Russia, it is now seeking non-NATO allies in Asia who wish to restrain China. This requires a nimbler, more dynamic alliance. Can NATO respond to the transformation?

Myanmar TPS Courtesy: Reuters
4 April 2024

U.S.’ Temporary Protected Status for Myanmar

In March, the U.S. announced an extension of Myanmar’s Temporary Protected Status (TPS), in light of the deteriorating situation. TPS provides legal status in the U.S., as an alternative to refugee status, to all nationals of a designated country fleeing instability. TPS shares similarities and key differences with refugee status, which are worth understanding in order to build strong protective legal framework for forcibly displaced communities.

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7 September 2023


The U.S. dollar’s position as the world’s dominant currency has come under pressure as countries and central banks explore alternative currencies and diversify their reserve compositions. While the U.S. continues to dominate global financial markets and the dollar is unlikely to be unseated anytime soon, the challenge to the dollar-dominated uniform currency system has begun.

flags Courtesy: Gateway House
7 July 2023

Mexico sees opportunity in India-U.S. partnership

Mexico has followed Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the U.S.,and sees an opportunity to partner with India. Geopolitically, as a global south country with shared interests in peace, security and sustainable development; regionally, as part of the supply chain and export gateway to the U.S.; strategically as a diplomatic platform with a pragmatic narrative that privileges mutual interests.

modi website Courtesy: Mint
29 June 2023

Russian views on Modi’s U.S. visit

The Russian reaction to the highly successful visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Washington D.C, has been largely balanced. Russians appreciate India’s need for top technology and investments, but also note that Delhi has done so without compromising its strategic autonomy.

website eissenhower Courtesy: Foreign Policy
22 June 2023

What Delhi can give D.C.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's third visit to the U.S., set against the backdrop of a changing world order, will be in a U.S. that is different from the one he visited in 2014, internationally and domestically. While accepting U.S. largesse, India must offer the U.S. things of value too. These include affordable healthcare, digitalisation, multilateral engagement and collaborations with the Global South.

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16 March 2023

Blame Game in Overdrive on SVB Collapse

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has global strategic implications. Santa Clara County, the home of Silicon Valley is nearly the size of Hong Kong. A meltdown of Silicon Valley would be catastrophic for U.S. leadership in the technology sector, especially when the U.S. and China are engaged in a technology race for supremacy in commercial and military applications.

quad article Courtesy: The Diplomat
18 February 2023

Is the Quad Decoupling from China?

The Ukraine crisis transferred global anxiety away from China and onto Russia. But this has not happened in the Indo-Pacific, where the Quad countries have followed a policy of economic disengagement from China, in the backdrop of the COVID pandemic and the regeneration of some economies. How the Quad managed this, is a worthwhile assessment.