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27 June 2019

Gateway House on the G20

The 2019 G20 Summit in Osaka on June 28-29, is the 14th meeting of the Group of 20 leaders. The G20 is the world’s most influential economic multilateral forum. It is the agenda-setting forum that develops and guides rules of global economic governance. Under the Japanese Presidency, this summit will be the first to discuss and establish the rules for the worldwide governance of data, including current hot-button issues like data localisation and data sovereignty. India has both a preparatory and a contributory role to play in the G20 this year. For in 2022, it will be the President of the G20. India must identify its agenda early on; its a weighty responsibility but also an opportunity to set the global economic agenda.

04 Courtesy: Sameer Patil & Shah Maieen
8 February 2018

The Rohingyas and India’s difficult choices

A recent trip to Cox’s Bazar showed that despite numerous health, social and security challenges, the Rohingya refugees are reluctant to return to Myanmar. India will have to walk a tightrope, keeping in mind humanitarian, security, and geopolitical priorities

After coup nightly demonstartion of president Erdogan supporters. Istanbul, Turkey, Eastern Europe and Western Asia. 22 July,2016 Courtesy: Wikipedia
14 April 2017

How is Turkey to be governed?

Referendums are a way of mobilising society and bringing in exceptional change. Turkey’s third constitutional referendum in the last 10 years, being held on Sunday, April 16, is the greatest of them in many respects as it puts the country on uncharted waters, having it move from one unbalanced system to another

Protect_Your_Republic_Protest_-_1_(2007-04-14) Courtesy: Wikipedia
18 August 2016

Turkey post-coup: stronger than ever

It was the iron will of the citizens of Turkey and their uncompromising belief in the deeply rooted democratic traditions and institutions of the country which proved to be critical in defeating the July coup attempt. Turkey will continue the reforms which have made it a shining light in the region

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18 August 2016

Turkey’s fight for democracy

The July coup in Turkey did not achieve its objective of eliminating President Erdogan, who has, ironically, emerged a ‘national hero.’ Does this signal a new beginning? An analysis of the factors impending upon the colossal repair-and-rebuild task before the country.

Tokat_darbe_karşıtları Courtesy: Wikipedia
27 July 2016

The beginning of the end for Erdogan

The attempted coup on July 15 in Turkey as well as its aftermath have irreparably dented President Erdogan’s international image and impacted Turkey's standing as a democratic state, a military power, a NATO member, an EU aspirant, and an emerging economy. This downtrend is unlikely to be reversed in the near future and the country is in for an extended period of instability