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28 September 2023

Indians in Egypt: Reviving Connectivity

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s two-day visit to Cairo on 24-25 June en route home after a successful state visit to the U.S., has highlighted the presence of the small but flourishing Indian community in Egypt. Comprising just 4,300 today, these Indians built businesses over the decades when Egypt was a British Protectorate, and after, and are important to the current upswing in the bilateral

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 1.54.47 PM Courtesy: Indian Express
21 September 2023

Assessing outcomes of the G20 summit

The New Delhi Leaders' Declaration breaks new ground key areas like climate finance, digital public infrastructure, trade, and multilateral reform. While the declaration is backed by unanimous consensus and outlines ambitious and wide-ranging goals, the actual extent of its implementation can only be assessed in the medium term.

AU g20 summit Courtesy: X / Presidency Nigeria
14 September 2023

Africa, Global South and India’s G20 presidency

The admission of the African Union to the G20 marks the multilateral's first ever expansion. The G20 will now speak for 80% of the world's population. For Africa, this means an opportunity to mainstream its concerns and priorities in global decision-making. Lastly, as the inclusion of AU in G20 took place during India’s presidency, New Delhi can enjoy the fruits of its creative diplomacy as Voice of the Global South.

Niger website Courtesy: Arab News
10 August 2023

Niger shakes off neo-colonialism

The coup has revealed three truths: the long tail of colonialism is reaching its end; alternatives to western control and command have emerged; the younger generation in developing countries have neither awe nor loyalty to the old master and nothing to lose in overthrowing the past, even though they know not their future.

Africa website Courtesy: The Hindu
3 July 2023

Leveraging an Africa in transition

India’s rise as a global player is linked to the kind of relationship it enjoys with African countries, especially as the latter is undergoing demographic, political, and socioeconomic transitions. A new report on the India-Africa partnership recommends a resilient ‘Africa policy’ that will collectively enhance diplomatic, defense, cultural, and developmental collaboration between the two countries.

ZelenskyRamaphosa-GettyImages-1258743603 Courtesy: Foreign Policy
21 June 2023

Africa seeks peace dividend

Last week, an African peace delegation travelled to Kyiv and Moscow, presenting them with a 10-point plan for peace. While the plan received mixed reactions, the African initiative was a courageous step towards peace. The effort coincides with India proposing the AU join the G20, and South Africa’s entry into the troika of G20 presidencies next year.

Bringing the African Union into the G20
20 June 2023

Bringing the African Union into the G20

India's proposal to invite the African Union as a full member of the G20 comes three months before the Leaders’ Summit. The AU’s entry will make the grouping more representative and inclusive, thereby enhancing its moral credibility. For its part, the AU’S economic potential and mineral wealth can have a positive impact on decisions of global importance.

BRICS-Summit-2018 Courtesy: Asia Times
25 May 2023

The paradox of BRICS

After many early achievements, BRICS is now in gridlock, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic, India-China border tensions, and the Ukraine conflict. Despite its apparent diplomatic bankruptcy, 19 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America are eagerly waiting in line to join the grouping.

frene 1 Courtesy: Anna Zieminski/AFP
2 February 2023

Obituary: Frene Noshir Ginwala (1932-2023)

Frene Noshir Ginwala, best known as the first Speaker of independent South Africa’s democratic parliament, died at age 90, on 12 January, 2023. A contemporary of Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo, she belonged to a special generation of South Africans who fought hard and long for their country’s freedom.

el sisi and mdi Courtesy: Adnan Abidi/Reuters
2 February 2023

India and Egypt: Stepping up the bilateral

Egyptian President El Sisi being the chief guest at India’s Republic Day reflects the importance assigned to it by India. At the crossroads of Africa, Asia and Europe, Egypt is an essential gateway for trade and investment. Its diplomatic presence in the Arab world and Africa, with the largest standing army in Africa, makes it a pivotal player for India which is increasing its footprint in West Asia and Africa.