aseanindia Courtesy: Prime Minister's Office
31 January 2014

India-ASEAN’s elusive services FTA

The India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement in services and trade will allow India to leverage its competitive offerings in IT, finance, among other fields. But the pact has proved elusive so far due to the open squabbling between ministries. The deal now looks set to come through only after the new government takes over

obamaxi Courtesy: Systemman, Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo/Wikimedia Commons
21 October 2013

U.S. government shutdown, China’s gain

The U.S. government shutdown and President Obama’s absence gave China immense diplomatic and political space at the APEC and East Asia Summit meetings. China’s declaration of a “de-Americanised” world may be premature but the crumbling old order is doing little to dispel this notion

MEAIndia/Flickr Courtesy: MEAIndia/Flickr
17 January 2013

Promoting private players in ASEAN

The steps taken by the Indian government to enable private sector involvement in ASEAN have been hesitant. After the recent ASEAN summit in New Delhi, it is time for greater coordination of Indian private industry with government-to-government interaction, which will benefit all members, including India.

From China to ASEAN: Rebalancing India’s trade
14 December 2012

From China to ASEAN: Rebalancing India’s trade

New Delhi has actively worked with Beijing to address its massive bilateral trade deficit. However, it has another option. India can seek greater economic integration with ASEAN and substitute its imports from China with that of ASEAN. The India-ASEAN Summit on December 20 would be a good place to start.

Myanmar and the ASEAN Matrix copy Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons/Gunkarta
18 May 2012

Myanmar in the ASEAN Matrix: An opportunity for India?

As India and the world welcome the recent democratization of Myanmar, this presents India an opportunity to increase its access to South East Asian countries as well, especially with members of ASEAN which still have catching up to do – particularly Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.

manipur Courtesy: Manipur Police/WikimediaCommons
22 December 2011

Look to Manipur before looking East

What have economic blockades in India's North East achieved? For one, they choked off the supply chain of an already isolated region. With Myanmar showing signs of warming towards India, New Delhi must establish ties with its eastern neighbour, but first, it needs to fix Manipur’s broken socio-political landscape.

Thaksinbeschermddemocratieyeahright_210x140 Courtesy: WaltervanKalken/Flickr
7 July 2011

Thailand: Democracy in, monarchy out

Yingluck Shinawatra, sister of formerly deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, has been elected to power. Yingluck's win marks a move towards a move democratic Thailand and possibly the end of the Thai monarchy.