9780199489640 Courtesy: Oxford University Press
18 April 2019

When India played peacemaker

This account of India’s foreign policy under Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi is an accomplished body of research into a period, usually studied primarily for India’s Non Aligned Movement. The author suggests that Nehru’s larger Asian, more global, view for India has therefore gone unnoticed

The problems of populism
7 February 2019

The problems of populism

This vivid portrait of socialist India, by giving primacy to the political background that determined Indira Gandhi’s responses, is different from the yearly ritualistic denunciations of her and the Emergency. It also has a story-teller’s flair, making it accessible to readers born well after 1975

9789810933043 Courtesy: Research Asia
2 June 2016

Recounting India-Indonesia

"India's Relations with Indonesia" recounts Indonesia's complex relationship with India, while also tracing the country's struggle with its colonial powers and the policies they adopted.

51j3clp3CgL._SX316_BO1,204,203,200_ Courtesy: Routledge India
30 March 2016

Shifting India-Myanmar relations

“Changing Countours” outlines the changing contours of a newly democratic Myanmar and prescribes the path for India to follow to foster closer links with its next-door neighbour.

World Order_1 Courtesy: Allen Lane
5 December 2014

Book review: Writing with an imperialist’s pen

The scope of Kissinger’s book is immense, but it is marred by his prejudices and his arrogant view of non-European cultures. The author’s main premise is that the world is in a state of disorder, but his prescriptions remain unclear