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5 March 2020

Hype & substance in Trump’s visit

President Trump enjoyed every moment of the hype that attended his February 2020 visit to India, says Ambassador Neelam Deo, Director and Co-founder of Gateway House, in this podcast, even as the focus was on concrete outcomes, such as defence purchases and oil procurement deals. She discusses the geopolitical implications of a closer India-U.S. strategic relationship and the weaknesses of the U.S.-Taliban peace deal

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4 February 2020

The Unwanted Wars

Countries in the Middle East, such as Iran, Israel or Saudi Arabia, do not want a military confrontation. Yet, current circumstances conduce to the breaking out of just such a war

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23 January 2020

A new normal for Iran

India-Iran ties span culture, economics and geopolitics. Iran is one of India’s most important neighbours and must be viewed on its own standing, not through a Western prism. Gateway House has an extensive repository of research and reporting on Iran, ranging from India-Iran historical ties, Iran’s role in India’s energy security and the impact of U.S. sanctions on Iran and on India, which helps to better understand this crucial nation.

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23 January 2020

Javad Zarif’s India outreach

Iran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif was in Mumbai on 16-17 January 2020, just days after the Iran-U.S. showdown in Iraq and the assassination of Iran’s top general. Zarif explained Iran’s dilemma to audiences in India and was hoping for public support. But the fact is that the January tensions are not Iran’s problem alone; it’s a global game-changer that has propelled the formation of new alliances

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9 January 2020

Conflict with Iran primes U.S. economy

Oil prices, arms exports and conflict are inter related especially when it comes to the U.S. Its arms industry grows when high prices and conflicts coincide. This has kept West Asia on a perennial geopolitical boil. This infographic charts the highs and lows of U.S. arms sales, especially in the light of conflicts centred around West Asia

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2 April 2019

India & the influential SCO Energy Club

The main objective of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s (SCO) Energy Club, when Russia formed it, was to market its member states’ substantial oil and natural gas reserves. This map shows some of the important natural gas pipelines, originating from Russia and its neighbouring countries that are not members of the SCO. What can India do to secure supplies from these abundant but currently inaccessible natural gas reserves?

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14 March 2019

Iran @ 40: tensions underlie stability

The Islamic Republic of Iran, which turns 40 in April 2019, has come a long way from the Persia of the past. Some changes in the last four decades have been beneficial, and while people do support the regime, they are disaffected with its handling of the economy and foreign affairs

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20 September 2018

Reversing a falling rupee

Economist Surjit S. Bhalla, who sits on the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, says all currencies, not just the rupee, have fallen against the U.S. dollar. Speaking to Gateway House’s Manjeet Kripalani, he elaborates on some diplomatic and domestic tools to stem the fall, even in an election year