rajya sabha tv Courtesy: Rajya Sabha TV
26 July 2018

Enter religious parties in Pakistan politics

Religious parties, some of them founded by anti-India terrorist groups, have dramatically risen to the fore in the Pakistan elections held this week. The 2018 polls mark a milestone as the military has enabled their entry into the political mainstream

download (1) Courtesy: Caixin Global
5 July 2018

China’s disquieting FDI in high-tech

China’s foreign direct investment is shifting away from natural resources to high-tech areas, such as Artificial Intelligence and robotics. The scale of these acquisitions, along with questions about intellectual property and national security, are causing widespread concern in the West

Hambantota_Port Courtesy: Wikipedia
31 May 2018

The intensifying backlash against BRI

The high cost and political impact of Chinese-funded infrastructure in countries like Myanmar, Malaysia and Sri Lanka make it imperative for India to work with Japan to provide alternatives, to ensure that the region is neither bankrupted nor militarised by Chinese influence.

S400 Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
3 May 2018

Indian defence: collateral damage of Russia sanctions

American sanctions on Russian defence companies may end up hurting an innocent bystander: India's defence sector. In particular, they could threaten Indian military procurement, and also may complicate India’s attempts to produce more of its own defence hardware. India needs to study the issue closely to prepare for what may come