ClimateEngineering_GH_CIGI_Cover Courtesy: Gateway House & CIGI
28 February 2019

Making Terrestrial Geoengineering Technologies Viable: An Opportunity for India-Canada Climate Leadership

The use of terrestrial geoengineering techniques, such as carbon capture, is necessary to keep the rise in global temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius, as per the Paris Agreement’s targets. Terrestrial geoengineering is different from atmospheric climate engineering: the latter does not remove the very source of the increased greenhouse effect, which are anthropogenic greenhouse gases. India and Canada must collaborate on carbon capture and propose multilateral regulations for unethical atmospheric climate engineering

Canada 2 Courtesy: Gateway House & CIGI
8 February 2019

Partnering for Prosperity: India-Canada Collaboration to Curb Digital Black Markets

The virtual computer world holds tremendous potential for harm infliction, and cybercrime is a growing concern for India and Canada. Both countries have cracked down on digital black markets, where transactions for contraband and illegal services take place, but such cooperation can be further deepened through advanced use of technology and informal collaboration, for example, thereby also contributing to international security at the multilateral level

Canada1 Courtesy: Gateway House & CIGI
8 February 2019

Opportunities for Cooperative Cyber Security

India and Canada share the same vulnerabilities when it comes to cyber security. They have been victims of suspected Chinese hackers and have mutual concerns about terrorism and election manipulation. This paper makes four recommendations on how the two countries can cooperate to build trust and further their strategic and economic interests

Defence paper cover Courtesy: Wikipedia
19 January 2017

India-EU: defence cooperation and the role of industry

European defence companies can contribute significantly to India’s military modernisation under the ‘Make in India’ campaign. But before this can happen they will have to deepen their interactions in the country at the political and strategic levels to identify common areas of interest and understand India’s technological priorities in the sector

Maritime Cover Courtesy: Wikipedia
22 December 2016

India-EU: maritime security cooperation

With common objectives in the Indo-Pacific, the maritime sphere is a good opportunity for India and the EU to deepen cooperation. They must focus on preventing outbreak of an inter-state armed conflict; addressing maritime piracy; adhering to the UNCLOS; and developing maritime infrastructure and the blue economy in the region

drought (1) Courtesy: Hindustan Times
15 September 2016

Water crisis: traditional solutions work

In a paper submitted to the Degrowth Conference, Budapest, held from August 30 - September 3, 2016, Rajni Bakshi argued that there is much to learn from India's traditional water systems in preparation for the oncoming global water scarcity crisis.